1/2 oz Bottles & Cap Options
With regards to bottles parts needed for skweezie henna applicator bottles:
We are completely out of the large size plug that is needed to attach the metal applicator tips.
We are nearly out of metal applicator tips.
So, if you are buying parts to assemble your own skweezie applicator bottles, you won't be able to get everything you need without the large size plug being available. You may be able to purchase this part separately from the Jacquard Company (part id# buncontip) but I do not know what their current wholesale policies are.
Unfortunately, the current state of affairs has caused me to lose my metal tip supplier. And the plastic tips required too large of a purchase for me to manage at the moment. Once our supplies are exhausted, that will be the end of the metal tips and wholesale skweezie applicator bottles. You can buy them at wholesale from the Jacquard company (gutta applicator bottles). Or alternatively, consider switching to luer-lock type bottle tips. I apologize for this. I know this really impacts some of your retail businesses If you need help finding replacement applicators, or have questions about our remaining metal tip stock, please email and I'll do what I can to help.